Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Do you take an interest in others with all their preferences and pet peeves, or merely in self and what you want?

God has given each of you some special abilities, so pass on to others different kinds of blessings that He has given to you. Don't forget to use those abilities to glorify Him and to help out other people.

Do you have a passionate heart for hospitality? Do you have real empathy inside your being, with agape love, with Christ-like compassion, with sympathy, genuine care, and the warmth of human emotion? Good! Do you have God in you who is tenderly working to hear, to serve, to rescue and uplift others? You can!

I would say, hotels and resorts (like other businesses) are to be a whole lot like Heaven when real Christians work there, not like Hell. They won't totally be here. We serve well going the extra mile to button up each task given us, but in order to be a good witness words (the gospel message) must be added at some point. Do people ask you where they can go to hear?

Will most of them here be like heaven? Nope, at least not during these premillennial decades!

"None of the rulers of this age understood it. For if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 9 Rather, as it is written: “ No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 10 But God has revealed it to us by the Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11 For who among men knows the thoughts of man except his own spirit within him? So too, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12 We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us." 1 Corinthians 2:9-12

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you.” John 14:26

We hear this statement.. Aw, he's so heavenly-minded that he's of no earthly good, but I find it's those who are most heavenly-minded that are of the most earthly good. greg laurie

“O, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and untraceable His ways!” Romans 11:33

Guests are to be kept safe and secure and their information is to be kept that way as well. God has a lot to say about protecting people, even citizens!

What does the Bible say about hospitality? 

Why should I want to serve God primarily? 

What I learned through serving as a church pastor and missionary.

What does it mean to serve one another through love?

What are some Bible verses about hospitality?

What are ways I could serve others outside the church or inside the Church?

Why is serving God important?

What opportunities are there for Christian service outside of the church? 

What are boundaries, and are they biblical?

What will we be doing in heaven? Serving the Lord and others. 

What is servant evangelism?

What does the Bible say about a Christian serving in the military?

What is going to happen according to end times prophecy regarding Heaven? Christ will then usher in a new heaven and new earth and the New Jerusalem—the eternal dwelling place of believers.

Are you up for a foretaste of what’s to come? What is the significance of the city of Jerusalem?

There's been a lot of false thinking like from "Dante Alighiere’s The Divine Comedy and from John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Many other works of art, and literary pieces such as Dan Brown’s novel Inferno, follow Dante’s lead and picture Satan as the one in charge of hell.

Dante’s poem describes the brutal descent of sinners into the underworld. Dante journeys through different levels of hell and purgatory and eventually arrives in paradise. The poem itself was an amalgamation of myths, Catholic ideas (like purgatory), and Islamic traditions about Muhammad’s “night of ascension” (lailat al-miraj). Dante’s medieval view of hell is influenced more by the Qur’an than the Bible.

Dante’s literary vision of hell is depicted by Botticelli in his painting Map of Hell as a subterranean funnel of suffering—a wretched underground landscape of fire, brimstone, sewage, and monsters, with Satan himself waiting at its core." It’s all very disturbing, and effective as a work of art, but it is based on the imaginations of men, not the Word of God.

Satan is not the ruler of hell. It is God who is in charge. Jesus says, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that can do no more.. Fear Him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell” (Luke 12:4–5). Jesus is referring to God here. He alone has the power to throw someone into hell. Who holds the keys of death and hades? Jesus has absolute control over that domain (Revelation 1:18). Jesus assures all believers that not even the gates of hades can overcome His church (Matthew 16:18).

What a Jerusalem that is brand spanking new? Will there really be one? Yes, it’s a real city, the City Foursquare, and Heavenly Jerusalem, is literally heaven on earth.

What's my aim at work, at home, at church? I desire to be real.. a real blessing wherever I go. Personally, I want to be a consistent and excellent host and witness for Christ for those I love. I want to wisely show God's love better and better ..towards all I meet! Where I serve, I consider it my house and they are my house guests! Sure, I want to tastefully elevate their experience with us, I want their stay with us to be most memorable as we exceed their expectations. 

God knows the number of hairs on each one of their heads -- he knows everything, all of their preferences and pet peeves.

If He was the concierge here, He would know exactly what to do each day and each moment, and what not to think, not to say, or not to do. That's how he is!

He always knows what is appropriate to say to or around each guest. If here working as a concierge, He'd want their entire stay to be something like a visit to heaven so they'd have a foretaste. They are paying hard-earned money for that!

What a wonderful place to live -- that place would be impossible to forget!
So many hotels and resorts and they are so different! Listen, in this increasingly mechanized world of hospitality, where human interaction often takes a back seat to technology, the role of the lobby concierge at say a five-star property stands as a timeless symbol of personal touch and human care.

Amid a sea of automated responses and virtual check-ins via phones, the lobby concierge is more than a mere gatekeeper to information or services; they are to be the embodiment of loving-warmth, empathy, and genuine human connection. This elevated role (among other hospitality roles) takes on a special significance today, as guests grow weary of impersonal service models and crave authentic interactions that robots simply cannot provide (Robot servants are appearing in many Eastern hotels now).

You know that at the heart of excellent customer service lies the ability to listen well and helpfully match. For a concierge, listening is more than hearing the words spoken by a guest; it is an art form. It involves reading the room and so much more. It involves eye contact and heart-to-heart communication while sensing the unspoken needs and preferences, understanding the subtle hints of stress, frustration, or joy, and then responding with bespoke-tailored solutions that resonate on a personal level. Yes, cleaned and customized!

This is not just about booking a restaurant or arranging transportation. It’s about anticipating inner thoughts of desire and creating exceptional experiences that surpass all expectations.

Guests often come to a resort for rest (not to have to think). Yes, not merely for the in-room or out-of-room amenities, but for the ways the staff makes them feel when there, for the sense of being truly seen and understood. The concierge's role is to make sure that every interaction leaves a guest feeling valued and cherished, with each request met as though it were the only priority.

Rest and refreshment can happen! In today’s fast-paced environment, where technology promises efficiency but often strips away the very essence of humanity, the value of a lobby concierge who can offer a human touch has only increased. That's what I've noticed. Your service as unto the Lord can become a blessing no matter what you do for a living. Are you a tent-maker minister (minister basically means "humble servant" and all ministers need to be reminded of that).. like the Apostle Paul did?

There is something irreplaceable about approaching a desk and seeing a real person eager to help you—a person with eyes meeting your eye, a smile meeting your smile.. with genuine warmth inside, one that offers more than just a transaction (one that offers friendship on some level. Don't get me wrong, I am a servant and don't view myself as the guest's close friend, but I do want them to feel like that).

This type of interaction harks back to a bygone era, reminiscent of old-world European hospitality, where grace-giving, proper etiquette, and attentiveness were cornerstones of others-oriented-service.

In a world where everything now has become so digital and computerized, the presence of a human concierge who embodies these grace-qualities is a luxury in itself. I like to say the new luxury is knowing the preferences before spoken and off-line. Let the empathetic servants be online for you, so you can live!

Empathy is still the cornerstone of great concierge service. To feel for a guest, to assist with those bags and boxes, to understand the weight and challenges of a delayed flight, the stress of running late, or of a missed reservation, or the joy of a milestone celebration, requires a depth of emotional intelligence that no online algorithm can replicate.
Empathy matters and when paired with the ability to act swiftly and thoughtfully this is beautiful! It transforms a mundane interaction into something profound for people.

A clean joke shared at just the right amount of levity (I let the guest with the humor and appreciate that), an itinerary or recommendation offered with intricately careful consideration, or a simple gesture of kindness -- these things can make all the difference in the world.

Guests remember what you did, how you did it.. how you said it, and how you make them feel more than anything else, and a concierge's empathy ensures that inner feeling is always one of care, authenticity, comfort, and respect.

This type of real empathy will extend behind the scenes (into the back of the house) as well. For concierges, it is not just about performing duties in the lobby, but about building relationships with all their colleagues, from the housekeepers to the bell-personnel, to the IRD-peeps, to valets, to butlers, to Club-lounge folks, to Sports Club pros, to the kitchen staff.

It's teamwork that makes the hospitality dream work! They each are valued parts of an effective team that keeps the whole luxury resort running smoothly, and empathy is just as essential in these back of the house interactions as it is in the front of the house!

Back of the house, humor and kindnesses shown are often like the glue that holds everyone together.

When workloads become overwhelming, a clean but well-timed smart-aleck-joke can break the tension, to uplift spirits, and to remind everyone that there's understanding.. that they are part of something bigger than themselves. It's about others here!

Clean, appropriate humor can foster camaraderie and show that, even in challenging moments of stress, there is room for gettin' it, for compassion and lightness.

But in all of this—the professional attention to detail, the many little touches, the caring empathy, the humor—a great concierge never loses sight of one simple truth: it’s not for one moment about them here. It’s about the "guest" one by one by one.. and how our leader wants each of those guests assisted.

Too often in the world of hospitality (even in the Concierge arena), there is a temptation to lean into one's own sense of importance.

The role of the concierge, however, is not to seek recognition, honor, or special treatment.. but to un-biasedly serve others. The truly great concierges are those who understand that they are friends serving among friends..and facilitators of someone else's experience, not really the "stars of the show" even if in a sense others consider them that way. Their goal is to quietly, quick-effectually, humbly, and elegant-efficiently make the so-called magic happen for their guests, all while remaining in the background. Let the guest, the boss, and the team be thought of. We can brag on them -- on everyone and all that is brag-worthy!

To represent the L.C.D. Association or a Hotel/Resort in the top 1% of luxury is to uphold a tradition of service that values inner humility, discretion, loyalty and excellence. It is about recognizing that every guest.. no matter their status, postion or background.. deserves the same level of care and kind attention.

Whether a guests are a head of state with team, a CEO with staff, or a whole family away on vacation, the concierge's mission remains the same: to fulfill the unspoken needs and to ensure that every moment of their stay feels effortless, and is comfortable -- totally luxurious.

The human element of hospitality is irreplaceable.

As lobby concierges, we have the privilege of being the bridge between what the guests expect and what they didn’t even know was possible to experience.

Is it legal, is it moral, is it ethical, is it classy fitting and right not opposing their real conviction.. is it good according the Resort's written or unwritten policies? -- then let's make it happen for them!

We concierges serve not to be celebrated, but because we believe in the value of creating meaningful moments for all our guests. We want to celebrate our guests and team especially when they accomplish a win.

Our work is always to remain rooted in empathy, in human care, and the belief that even in a world dominated by widgets, gadgets, devices, hand-held screens, and machines, the human touch will always reign supreme in hospitality.

I can't really say it or pray it enough. In an age where genuine human connection is becoming increasingly scarce, the value of a servant (like a concierge) who embodies empathy, kindness, and compassion has never been higher.

People are not only looking for five-star service everywhere, but they are searching for real love! God is love. Real fellowship matters!

Yes, they are looking for real human interaction too—someone who listens, understands, and provides viable solutions that go beyond the surface.

While technology and automation may speed up certain processes, they can never replace the warmth of a human smile, the empathy and emotion in a voice, or the satisfaction of being truly understood. I like good tools that help me serve more people faster and better, but tools are secondary!

God first, spouse second, children next, church attendance, then work/pro-ministry work, then others (including relatives), and self last. For me it's:

JOY - Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.

In a luxury resort like where I've had the privilege to serve people, these qualities become are very important. Guests aren’t just looking for comfort; they’re looking for an very luxury experience that feels personalized, meaningful, and memorable.

People everywhere long for connection. Beyond the services and amenities we provide, guests are seeking something deeper and better—with fellowship.

Smart people, long for a tender, caring relationship, for a great spa and gym they can afford.. not only with those loved ones around them but ultimately together with their loving Creator. He is spirit and we opt to worship him in spirit and in truth. Closeness with the Bible and Him restores!

There’s a universal desire for excellence, for deep satisfaction that of course goes beyond the material, yes, for inner fulfillment that reaches the soul. Are you spiritual -- there is no spiritual growth apart from the living word!

I'm taking about a longing for something heavenly, where every need, preference, and request is promptly and perfectly met. I'm not perfect. You can I can perfectly meet a need at times.

In many ways daily, people long to be heard and understood, and they desire to be served with the utmost dignity. A simple act, like pronouncing someone’s name correctly.. or trying to. This can leave a profound impact. In all my years of guest and church service since the 70's, I’ve never met anyone who didn’t appreciate being shown respect and honor—these are foundational human needs.

Heaven, will indeed be a place where all these inner longings are fulfilled perfectly, and in my role at a luxury resort, I aim to create a taste of that heavenly experience. People crave being right with God in Heaven.

It's in Ecclesiastes 3:11 where the Holy Spirit states God has “set eternity in the human heart.” In every human soul is a God-given awareness that there is “something more” than this transient world. And with that awareness of eternity comes a hope that we can one day find a fulfillment not afforded by the “vanity” in this world. 

“In the human heart” is an expression representing the mind, soul, or spirit of each person. God places eternity (Hebrew olam) into our heart and soul.

Seasons come and go, but does anything here in this life truly satisfy people? The answer in Ecclesiastes is, no, all is vanity (Ecclesiastes 1:2). However, through all the ups and downs and challenging vicissitudes of life, we have a glimpse of stability—God has “set eternity in the human heart.” 

Life is said to be but a vapor (James 4:14), but we know there is something past this life here. We have a divinely implanted awareness that the soul exists forever. Real Christians will live forever with God. This world now is not our home, but we can have a taste of heaven and of our home there, and we can prepare now while we are headed home.

About here.. I want things set right always! As much as is possible here.

I want the hotel guests I meet, those who walk through our doors where I serve to feel as though they are stepping into a world where every detail has been thoughtfully considered, where their needs are not only met but exceeded. When they leave, I want them to feel as though they’ve just left a piece of heaven and can’t wait to return here, bringing their friends and family with them.

My hope is that everything I do here—the way I think, speak, and serve them—creates an atmosphere that makes people crave this some more. Yes, so they will want another stay soon; I want them to long for the peace and joy of heaven too.

This isn’t about me, and I don’t seek to be seen as indispensable. Instead, I see my work as an opportunity to reflect God’s character and love. I want to meet people’s needs, not just in the practical sense, but in a way that shows genuine care for them as individuals. I know I’m not perfect, and I can’t meet every need, but I strive to serve as many people as I can in a way that is elegant, classy, and of the highest quality. When I represent the resort where I serve, I’m also representing my values—values of excellence, care, and respect.

Ultimately, my goal is for guests to leave not just satisfied, but touched in a way that lingers long after their stay. I want them to feel uplifted, as though they’ve experienced something heavenly. I want to reflect a bit of heaven on earth, in every interaction, with the hope that they will not only return but bring others to share in that experience. And as much as I serve the guests, I also serve a higher purpose, aiming to be a blessing not just to those around me, but to God Himself.

The world we live in is often hurried, disconnected, and transactional. But in the role of a concierge, there is an opportunity to offer something much more profound—human connection, real service, and a glimpse of something eternal. At the RC Resort we don’t just provide a service, we offer a chance to experience something beautiful, thoughtful, and deeply personal. And it is in these moments of connection and care that the true essence of hospitality shines.

The Bible verse Revelation 21:2 describes the New Jerusalem as the dwelling place in the city of heaven, saying, "And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband".

HThis here is not my home yet, so here's some details about the New Jerusalem from the Bible:

• The New Jerusalem is a real city, not a mere symbol of your home town.

• It is the eternal home of the bride. Who are the Spirit and the bride in Revelation 22:17?

• It is the heavenly (gated) city referred to in Hebrews 12:22.

• It is designed and built by God. This New Jerusalem sits on twelve foundations, representing the twelve apostles who would reign over the twelve tribes of Israel.  

• It contains no crimes in it (for it is holy as God is holy), but there will be healing for the nations there.

• It is laid out like a square, as long as it is wide.

• After the final judgment, God unites heaven and earth and makes New Jerusalem the capital. Then comes the new heaven and earth.

New Jerusalem is the central place of the New Earth, and the New Earth is part of heaven.

That eye to eye, person to person, heart to heart communication and help is wanted! It's getting more challenging to reach a human that might be able to help these days. That human touch with empathy is needed. That whole-hearted human type of serving of another human in a zealous but excellent way is looked for. Yes, that elegant and quality, very dignified but not snooty service going up in value these days! People here crave the help of heaven!

They know well what is lame in guest and customer service! They know the serious blemishes, the hospitality bugs, the horrible glitches and even viruses. They know the failing points, gross foibles, and pitfalls of service! They know the Hamartia, the weak points, the blunders, the fatal flaws and mistakes. They know when a resort completely misses the mark, they know what a hotel recovery is. They know what is hellish, and they simple want warm genuine human service even with some of those human flaws.

In a world where robotic-automation, AI and impersonal computerized interactions have taken over much of the service industry, the value of eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart communication has never been more sought after!

People crave that genuine, human touch as less of it is found—you know with the moving empathy, the understanding, the ability to feel heard and cared for by another person.

The warmth of caring humanity is becoming increasingly difficult to find, as more politicians and systems rely on robots or scripts, but the demand for it has only intensified. Elegant, dignified service, delivered with a red-hot zealous commitment to excellence, is not only appreciated—it’s cherished more than ever before!

There’s a certain longing in people, a desire for the kind of help that reflects the warmth and care of heaven. Guests know all too well what poor service looks like—they recognize the glitches, the hospitality bugs, the glaring flaws, and the service breakdowns that can turn a stay into a nightmare. They know the errors, the blunders, the points where service completely misses the mark. They’re keenly aware of when a hotel or resort stumbles and needs to recover, and they’ve experienced the frustration of those fatal flaws in service. In a sense, they know the difference between something heavenly and something that feels, well, hellish.

Yet, despite their awareness of these flaws, what they truly desire is simple: warm, genuine, human service. Even with imperfections, what matters most is the authenticity behind the interaction. Guests are willing to forgive mistakes when the service comes from the heart, when the intent is pure, and when there’s a real effort to make their stay memorable. They want that deep, personal connection, that ability to communicate with another person who cares, even if it means a few human errors along the way.

What they don’t want is cold, mechanical service that feels more like a transaction than a relationship. And it’s in that human touch, the empathy, the listening, and the care, that the true essence of hospitality shines through. Yes, people want their needs met efficiently, but more than that, they want to feel valued. They want to know that someone is there for them, not just to serve, but to connect on a deeper level. It’s this type of service—genuine, elegant, and heartfelt—that is growing in value in today’s world.

As much as guests can sense the pitfalls of poor service, they can equally sense the rare beauty of real, human connection. And it is that connection, that warm, empathetic touch, that makes all the difference.

In the world of hospitality, where every detail is crafted to create an extraordinary guest experience, there is a deeper truth we can draw from the Bible that speaks to the ultimate vision of what we strive to offer: a glimpse of heaven. Revelation 21:2 paints a beautiful picture of the New Jerusalem, the heavenly city, saying,
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: 'Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man, and He will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God.'Revelation 21:1-3

This city is not a mere symbol but a real, eternal home, meticulously designed and built by God Himself. It is described in Hebrews 12:22 as the heavenly city where the bride—the faithful—will dwell.

In the New Jerusalem, crime, corruption and criminals will not find a home. There'll be no pain, no sorrow there, but there will be holiness for it is as holy as God is holy. Laid out perfectly, it is a place of peace, beauty, and fulfillment. After the final judgment, it becomes the capital where God unites heaven and earth, making the New Jerusalem the central place of the New Earth.

As a lobby concierge at a RC Resort here and now I think about heaven, I draw inspiration from this vision in the Bible. While I cannot totally recreate heaven on earth, God can and He will. I seek to offer a reflection of it knowing this alone won't save people.

When I welcome guests, I think of how they long not only for flawless luxury but for an experience that touches their soul—an experience that mirrors the peace, the beauty, and the holiness of the New Jerusalem. The attention to detail, the genuine care, the empathy in listening to people's needs—all these efforts are my way of reflecting God’s love and character. I hope they ask me questions.

Guests long to feel heard, understood, and respected, just as the faithful long for the fulfillment and peace that will come from the Holy Spirit in the New Jerusalem.

There is something profound in the simple act of remembering a guest’s name or going the extra mile to meet their needs. It’s more than service I offer—it’s a relationship that honors them as individuals, much like the way God does that as He prepares the New Jerusalem for Christ's bride the Church.

When guests leave the resort where I serve, I want them to feel as though they have left a piece of heaven on earth. My aim is for every interaction to be a glimpse of the grace and hospitality that awaits us in eternity. While I am far from perfect and can’t meet every human need, I trust that in each day’s work, I can serve as an instrument of God’s love where He will meet needs, creating an environment where people feel cared for, respected, refreshed and uplifted.

At my RC Resort, we strive to offer more than just exceptional service; we aim to offer a moment of peace and fulfillment that lingers long after a guest departs. Just as the New Jerusalem will be the central place of the New Earth, I want the resort to be a central place of joy, peace, and hospitality—a place that reflects the heavenly kingdom to come.

People here long for more, for new and for better! They like some old with class, and much elegant modern quality, but also like brand new mixed in!

In the depths of our human hearts, we are in some way all the same for sure. One of the desires that seems to echo within us is the yearning for "more, for top quality and much better." We like classy new trends especially if they meet a human need!

We continually seek more in this life—every year people want something newer, fresher, better and more impressive.

It is as if God has designed us this way, for Scripture tells us, "He has placed eternity in our hearts" (Ecclesiastes 3:11). However, the issue is this: no matter how much we experience or pursue in this world, it never quite satisfies here. What do you want from life?

There is a built-in understanding within us that the promises of this world cannot truly fulfill us. I certainly don't love this corrupt world's system.

The Things of This Earth Are Never Quite Enough For Anyone ..But Jesus Is. He's For Everyone! He's My All In All! A Deep Desire for Something Greater When you place your trust in Jesus Christ, your true citizenship shifts to Heaven, which becomes your eternal home. As the apostle Paul wrote, "But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior" (Philippians 3:20 NLT). This explains why there is a longing within us that nothing on earth can satisfy—only He in Heaven can. As Christians, we will always feel a certain disconnect from the values and celebrations of this world here and now. The things the world holds up as treasures do leave us unmoved because, as followers of Christ, we are looking for something far greater and lasting. Mr. C.S. Lewis really captured this sentiment well when he reflected on the truth of the Word, “There have been times when I think we do not desire heaven, but more often I find myself wondering whether, in our heart of hearts, we have ever desired anything else.” He spoke of this as an "inconsolable longing." We might think of it as a kind of spiritual homing instinct. Just as animals can travel great distances on instinct alone, guided by a God-given sense, we too have an internal compass pointing us homeward—to Heaven. Occasionally, we hear stories of pets that travel incredible distances to return home after years of being lost. Likewise, those of us who have placed our faith in Jesus will one day return home. Heaven becomes more real to me every day because I now have loved ones who reside there—my son Christopher, my mother, my father who adopted me, and dear friends from our church community. My heart grows ever more eager for that home.

We hear "Aww, that guy is so heavenly-minded that he's of no earthly good at all", but think about it. I find it's those who are most heavenly-minded with a righteous balance that are of the most earthly good!

Yeah, my former SoCal Surfing Pastor once taught tus this: Live in Christ very heavenly-minded! This glorifies the Father as you are of the most earthly good for others here He loves!

Preparing for your Dwelling in Heaven It’s natural to want to know more about the place where we are headed. Just as we would research a destination before a journey, we are urged to contemplate Heaven. The Bible instructs us to do so. Paul wrote to the Colossians, "Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth" (Colossians 3:1–2 NLT). Paul's words encourage every Christian to actively and persistently seek an understanding of Heaven. The original language implies that this should be an ongoing pursuit—“Keep seeking Heaven.” Keep seeking first Jesus as Lord and His Kingdom. Know Him and His will for your life. Contrary to the saying, "They’re so heavenly minded, they’re no earthly good," it is often the opposite. Many are so focused on earthly things that they become no good for Heaven. I long to have a heavenly mindset in the truest sense, and I believe that should be the desire of every Christian. We often think of earth as real and Heaven as somewhat ethereal. Yet, in truth, Heaven is more real, and earth is but a temporary reflection. C.S. Lewis referred to this life as "the shadowlands," meaning that our existence here is but a faint glimpse of the glory to come. When God commanded Moses to build the Tabernacle, He instructed, "Be sure that you make everything according to the pattern I have shown you here on the mountain" (Hebrews 8:5 NLT). This was because the earthly tabernacle was a mere copy, a shadow of the heavenly original. Whenever we witness a stunning sunset or a breathtaking scene in nature, we are catching a glimpse of the greater beauty that awaits us in Heaven. The Call to Run Our Race The writer of Hebrews reminds us, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us" (Hebrews 12:1 NLT). This follows Hebrews 11, often called the Hall of Faith, where we read of the great men and women of faith—Abraham, Moses, Rahab, and others—who lived and died in service to God. We can see their lives as examples for us to follow. Perhaps, in some sense, they are now witnesses, watching our journey. Whether or not they observe us, we know for certain that Jesus is watching as we run the race set before us. In his final letter, Paul declared, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me—the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing" (2 Timothy 4:7–8 NLT).

Do you work in a place where the employers are paying you to share your Christian faith regarding Jesus? Most employers do not, but you believer must be wise and ready when people do ask.

First Peter 3:15 says, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” We each have a race to run and a prize to attain. Though we may not know how long our race will be, let us strive to run it well.

Do you take an interest in others with all their preferences and pet peeves, or merely in self and what you want?

God has given each of you some special abilities, so  pass on to others different kinds of blessings that He has given to you. Don't for...