True value in life doesn’t come from sideling up to those with bucks. It doesn't come from front-runnin', from hobnobbing among, from rubbing shoulders with, or from mingling with celebrities.
It doesn't come from "partying with," from budding-up-to, from hanging out with the wealthy folk, or with the powerful individuals called "the influencers"—it comes from a relationship with the King of all kings, Jesus Christ.
You already know this right!?
Could be learn some things from, or gain good ideas from rich and poor people? Sure we can.
Jesus said, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:25-32 nkjv
Sure, Christ can teach each of us if we'll let him. He is the only man who has ever transformed my life. Do you firsthand know of God's love experientially? You can!
Time with Him is so valuable!
In our society we've actually seen people die trying to gain selfies because they want so badly to become rich and famous an "influencer." People are hurting and many are dying for love or comfort.
While those of today's society often eagerly chase after influence, after fame, and after wealth ..or the wealthy (while wanting more wealth), it’s meeting Christ in a personal way and obeying him that has brought genuine fulfillment to me. I was raised in a dead religious church and wanted to earn his favor. Have I always known and obeyed Him? No. I was born needing to become born again. I wish I could say I have known and obeyed God -- he's blessed me when I have.
I'm still far from perfect like He of course is perfect, but I am interested in growing spiritually as I walk with Christ daily. Have a ways to go. Are you intrigued with knowing the Lord? I want to give you his words to help you. Mine can't save anyone. God we want to be with you, and know you, to love you better, and obey you more. Help us by your words.
How can we talk about this too much? Free forgiveness is such a wonderful gift!
Knowing Jesus brings an incomparable type of richness into a person's life. God is indeed rich. He is mindful of the lowly and he's no respecter of persons meaning He doesn't play favorites (except all His kids are his favorites).
Walking with Christ brings so much good into a life that it's hard to describe with words. A richness that far exceeds any worldly riches, or status, title or name this world could offer to us.
Have you ever noticed how some people feel their personal worth will either rise or fall based on the company that they keep?
That's why I wanted to say something here. In a world where status and "high-profile-connections" seem to define a person’s value, please remember this: your own worth comes from Christ alone. God made you with great value. Yes, before you had said or done anything good at all you are valuable! You matter to God!
Photo by Halbergman |
His free grace is worth more than money can buy -- isn't about earning anything good from Him. Jesus is the giver of life and we can't outgive Him!
The gospel is SO uplifting! All the way through! God's grace elevates us beyond anything that fame, that wealth or that status could achieve.
My life has been kind of different in some ways. You've met many and me too. While a fulltime pastor in a couple Lands, while teaching in 28 Lands, and while working in the hospitality arena.. I’ve have the privilege to talk with up and outers and down an outers. I've met some notable people in my life (of course nowhere near like others in Hollywood have), but it’s knowing the King of Kings that has been truly meaningful! This has shaped my life, my character, and my outlook more than anything else. Yes, He Jesus has done that. As I pray, he still does that. He works in me both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Please meet God and His Son today. Sure, you can right now. Repent, believe, accept, and receive Him into your person as Lord and Savior.
That's the most important decision you will ever make. Then meet some decent growing Christian role-modeles too. Sometimes we need Jesus with skin on right!?
Like the Apostle Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ”—it’s about finding Jesus, and then finding role models who walk closely with the Lord, not ones who simply shine in the eyes of the world. Shine, reflect the light of Chrsit out.
So, how do we walk with Christ while also engaging those of this world? With wisdom, kindness and integrity, honoring their privacy and never flaunting "connections" or trying to make connections for self-gain. We are called to reflect the light of Jesus, our ultimate leader, whose glory and influence surpass all. And when we know Him deeply, we become conduits of His love to both the “high” and “lowly” in our society.
The Bible is clear about pursuing lasting treasures, and laying them up in heaven.
Jesus Himself lived a no-compromise life. He turned down opportunities for earthly fame and monetary gain (see Matthew 4:1-11). He instead chose to serve others. He chose the Father's will, humility -- yes, living only to glorify his Father up in heaven, as Philippians 2:5-8 tells us. In return, God “exalted Him to the highest place,” reminding us that true elevation comes from above.
In God's economy, the way up is down (like in serving) and the way down is to put yourself up. (God might allow those who promote themselves by stepping on other people to get away with it for a little while, but they will reap what they have sown).
Consider Joseph, who didn’t pursue status, wealth or power; he simply trusted God and served, whether in Potiphar’s house or in the prison house. In time, God brought him to a position of great influence, but only as Joseph faithfully followed God’s direction with no-compromise, rather than following after his own ambition (Genesis 37-41). Paul, likewise, set aside his accomplishments for “the sake of Christ,” understanding that fame without purpose in God’s kingdom is SO meaningless (Philippians 3:7).
Knowing God and doing his will his way.. right there in the Father's will is what matters.
The people of this world are preoccupied with fame and fortune, but Jesus calls us to prioritize heavenly treasures. The Bible instructs us, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things [the necessities of life] will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). God knows what we need before we even ask, and He promises to provide when we ask and focus on Jesus as Lord.
For those who desire to get close to those having fame, or wealth, or power and influence, God would caution:
"Be not deceived: 'Evil associations corrupt good manners.'” 1 Corinthians 15:33
I want to limit my time with evil people (with lost folk, with worldly people, and with carnal Christians), and spend time daily with the Lord and with mature believers. Sure I want to win the lost, plant seeds, water seeds and help people grow.. but without being pulled down. This is what God wants me to want.
The church needs to infiltrate, not hibernate or isolate without being pulled down! We can reach those of our culture with the gospel -- we Christians must go where people are, speak their language (clean) without spending so much time that we fall into temptations and sin.
Rather than isolating ourselves from those who God loves and died for, and not share our faith with any.. let's boldly go and share the gospel.
We’re called to tactfully engage with them, to with dicernment “infiltrate” rather than “isolate.” Jesus exemplified this lifestyle beautifully, going where sinners (like me) were and meeting them at their point of need.
Throughout the Gospels, we see how Jesus Christ was praying and powerfully reaching out to people from all backgrounds and walks of life. You can be a witness at work or off duty!
Yes, Christ was adapting his approach to each individual’s unique background and circumstances. With religious Nicodemus, a respected religious teacher, Jesus spoke directly to his need for humble spiritual rebirth. In contrast, with the Samaritan woman, who was burdened by her past sins and seen as an outsider, He engaged her in a gentle, patient, caring conversation, opening a door to grace and transformation her. In each case, Christ showed that reaching others requires more than just being present—it takes real empathy, ears, and genuine care.
Before we can truly reach others, we must first pray in faith and then care about them. We share when we care.
Sometimes, we may hesitate to share our faith because we lack that deep compassion for others’ souls. That's when we pray more cuz Jesus never lacks care. We might distance ourselves, assuming that their spiritual destiny is solely their own responsibility. But love compels us to do more--Jesus said GO, so how can we say NO? If we genuinely care, we’ll naturally want to help others see the hope we’ve found in Jesus.
Engaging with those outside the church isn’t about compromising spiritually, I mean with our values or even silencing our beliefs. There is a time to speak.
Rather, it’s about living out our faith in a way that is both visible and inviting, showing others what it means to follow Jesus. When we care deeply about others, we’ll find ourselves more willing to listen, to share, and to connect. And in those moments, God can use us as His instruments, reaching others through the example of a life regenerated and transformed by His love.
For those who desire fame, wealth, or influence, God would caution us: “People who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction” (1 Timothy 6:9, nlt).
True security lies not in possessions or fame but in a heart aligned with and forgiven by Christ.
As we grow in faith, our circle matters more. “Bad company corrupts good morals,” yet surrounding ourselves with faithful people of the word strengthens us in godliness. Like Elisha learning from Elijah, and the disciples walking with Jesus, or even Timothy strolling with Paul, we find inspiration in mature godly companionship, not in the unholy empty pursuit of fame, worldly power or fortune.
Ultimately, our call is not to seek popularity but to glorify God! If God grants wealth or recognition, fine. He does so for His purposes, not for our self-promotion. Everything we receive is a blessing from Him for a purpose, a chance to honor Him (Ecclesiastes 2:24-25). If he blesses you due to his love, he also has others in mind (meditate upon Psalm 67).
May our lives echo the love, grace and truth of Jesus. Let’s carry His gospel tp the end of the earth, and speak of his fame, truth and honor, delighting in knowing the One who is most worth knowing. Let’s abide in Him, and seek to share the Good News with every person we meet, and recognize this as an extraordinary privilege. We called to be the Father's children—whether the world knows our name or not.
Many individuals view themselves as actually gaining value as a human due to who they meet or know (especially if it's a celeb, a musician like a rockstar, classical performer, or hip hip singer or politician ), but that's worldly. Some seek to parlay this and use their experience for self-gain and promotion. That's so typical, but stop it.
The only one who has changed my life is Jesus Christ, and he can your. You need not idol. Knowing him has made all the difference for me and my Chrsitian buds.
My value hasn't increased by meeting or knowing stars and a handful of world leaders any. Some of these people are despicable worldly reprobates really. Fact.
I remember meeting some golly men like A.W. Criswell who has given me wise words and some great memories listening to him. All of us Christians have met the Lord and He is one that really elevates. He is the One who edifies and adds value to our lives daily. He is the One that saves anyone willing, and can actually better our lives.
Hey, I'm a nobody but I've met Somebody and that's why I write about Jesus! It's because I now want to tell everybody about this Somebody who can make any nobody like me into a somebody for His glory.
To be a friend of, or even a friend of a Friend who is fruitful -- that can be so beneficial for the kingdom. What's your influence like and who is it impacting this month or day? There's a watching World out there observing what you say, do and think.. and how you do that.
For some years I was the full-time assistant of a best-selling Christian author and used to drive him around when he asked me to. I used to get his newsletters and other writings out in a timely fashion. I've asked lots of questions of many, all the time like when I was driving.
If the person is advancing the Kingdom of God by faith and being used of God to win people, then I want to ask, to learn from, to help them out! I want to prioritize all their meetings that they want me at. If I can make it there, I will be on the front row.
Many TV preachers say he was, but he wasn't.
In a world full of gods made by human hands and imaginations, each with their own supposed teachings, only Jesus truly bridges heaven and earth. He is the only living Word, the exact representation of God the Father, yep, wrapped in human form—He is God with “skin on.”
This is what makes Jesus unique: He wasn’t merely some man striving to become a god; He is God who chose to become a man right here. He held unimaginable power, fame, and wealth, yet He laid it all aside to come walk with us.
When you want to know what God thinks of us, look at Jesus. Consider how He responded to those who were broken or lost: the woman caught in adultery, Zacchaeus the tax collector, the lone woman at the well. Each time, Jesus tenderly reached out with His forgiveness and love. John’s gospel emphasizes this repeatedly: to know Jesus is to know God Himself. Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- that's the godhead!
Many religions bypass or misrepresent Jesus, totally missing the core of who He truly is. But the Bible is unambiguous: Jesus Christ is none other than sinless God in human form. He entered our world not just to show power but to express divine love and make a way for each one of us to have a righteous relationship with the Father. From the very beginning, God has been reaching out, extending Himself toward us. In Genesis, blood was shed and guilty Adam had a covering. In Revelation, He promises “the water of life freely to anyone who thirsts” (Revelation 21:6, nkjv). That's God’s passionate invitation to every soul. Come unto me all...
God doesn’t reach out to us out of loneliness or need—He is perfectly complete within Himself. But He loves us with a love that desires connection with Him, a relationship freely offered. Sometimes, the weight of life or our own failings can make it hard to approach God. But we need His candor, strength, His forgiveness, and His close presence now more than ever!
To know Him, to be near Him, that is more fulfilling! You and I don't need fame or fortune. We need Him--He's enough. Our God, rich in love and kind beyond measure, is Almighty—and He is here, among us, with open arms right now. In Him, we find the comfort, cleansing, hope, leadership, peace and strength we've wanted. May we embrace the Jesus of the Bible, hold on, and growing closer. Yes, to the One who became “God with skin on.”
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