Q: Got some crazy sources you listen to with say.. their YouTube videos? I say get back to reality please, and ditch them. There are way too many good tutorial types of YouTube videos that you won't waste your time with. Be discerning for your sake and the sake of those who love you.
There are so, So, SO many sources out there these days, and some of them are just dangerous. Some people earn the right to be heard, and others do not.
During these times when some people think everything "on the interwebs" is 100% true, you and I need to be more careful. Don't just take my words for it, please check Kurt's words (me) out against what the Bible teaches as well. I pray I won't let anyone down, and go off away from God or His Bible.
Quit embracing what's obviously or not so obviously.. false. Verify with the whole Bible -- prayerfully start embracing the word of God and reality that's provable.We, believers, are NOT to be arguing and contentious divisive troublemaking. We are never to waste time over hyper-controversial issues that are absolutely false.
Man, there are too many worthy..so-called controversial conspiracy theories that keep coming true these days.
Trump won the election, American, and He is your president whether you like it or not. He keeps exposing the liars and thieves of the deep State (both rinos and Democrats so I'm not being unwisely political here) who have misused your taxes.
Then there are scriptural topics that are far more worthy to spend your time with. Let's discuss what might help some people come to know peace with God and the peace of God.
Think Like a Berean: Stay Rooted, Stay Safe
The Bereans didn’t just listen. They investigated. When Paul and Silas preached in their synagogue, they didn’t swallow the message whole—they opened their scrolls, cross-checked the claims, and made sure it lined up with Scripture. That’s what made them noble (Acts 17:11).
What Can We Learn?
Be Eager To Learn Truth, But Never Gullible – The Bereans leaned in, ready to learn. But they weren’t naïve. They tested everything by the Word. Don’t just accept teaching because it sounds good—verify it.
Scripture is the Gold Standard, Its All True, Inerrorant – Culture shifts, opinions change, but God’s truth stands firm. The Bereans didn’t measure Paul’s words by their feelings or traditions; they held them up to God’s Word. Do the same.
Faith Grows In Us With Prayerful Study In Jesus – Daily time in Scripture isn’t a ritual—it’s life support. The Bereans examined the Bible constantly. That’s how faith deepens and discernment sharpens.
Guard the Gospel ..Meaning Take A Stand For Jesus And His Message – When opposition came, the Bereans didn’t cave. They stood with Paul, ensuring his safety. They protected truth and those who carried it. Today, we defend the gospel by knowing it well and standing firm when challenged.
Keep Growing Spiritually As You Test And Prove What's Completely So – Berea didn’t just have momentary zeal; they built a foundation. Silas and Timothy stayed behind, strengthening them. One Berean, Sopater, later traveled with Paul (Acts 20:4). Their faith had roots. Ours should, too. My pastor Chuck Smith use to say something like: "Most of what a false teachers teaches is true, but it's that one or two percent that's like poisonous arsenic."
Needs Some Practical Takeaway?:
God calls each of us to be honest seekers of truth, not passive or lazy listeners. Test everything against Scripture. Stay eager, but stay grounded. Be like a Berean—because staying in the Word keeps you safe.
“Examine the Scriptures daily.” – Acts 17:11
Hey, the Earth really is round, there are real stars up there, the Nazis lost the World War 2, there was a real Holocaust sadly with Jews being slaughtered, and Hitler was a very wicked, twisted drug addict cultist and one of the most evil dictators who has ever lived? He's even a type of the Antichrist who is to come.The Truth Can Set You Free But Not If You've Firmly Chosen To Live The Lie (As Some Do) And Are Unwilling To Repent
If you're unwilling to obviate all twisted deceptions aka lies.. and properly start to reason.. or come to God on his terms instead of on your own terms.. to become free, then you will not be manumitted.
Some people cling to lies like a shipwrecked man clings to torn waterlogged driftwood—desperate, determined, and yet unwilling to let go. Some chase conspiracies that are actually provable to be made up. They rewrite history, and reject what is plainly true and irrefutable.
Truth is not something we play with, or mold, or shape to fit our desires; it stands firm, unshaken by human opinion and changing circumstances.
Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Truth liberates those who really desire to be liberated, but deception enslaves those who aren't willing to submit to Direct Authority (God's living Word). That's Jesus and with his Bible truths, he will not force you to become free in a relationship with Him. He never forces anyone to come to Him or to his holy heaven.
When someone is lost in falsehoods—denying history, real science, or even the most common of all common sense—how do you reach them? Here are three biblical principles to guide you:
1.) Never argue or get in the flesh -- none need to flesh out. Don’t Ever Get Trapped in Foolish Arguments.Paul warned Timothy, “Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels” (2 Timothy 2:23). Arguments over flat Earth theories or Holocaust denial don’t lead to salvation or wisdom; they create division and distraction. Instead of debating nonsense, steer the conversation toward Christ. Ask, “How does this belief draw you closer to God?” If it doesn’t, it’s a dead-end road.
2.) Shine Light on the Darkness with God's love and Word. Don't try to hurt somebody with the Scriptures even though hearing fitting versus might cause them some discomfort due to their pet sins.
Who is the one that lies, steals, kills and destroys?
It's Satan, don't be like him even a little bit -- he is the father of lies (John 8:44), and deception is one of his favorite tools. The Nazis didn’t win World War II, and Hitler wasn’t a misunderstood genius—he was a tyrant, a drug-addicted occultist, a forerunner of the Antichrist. History is clear on that. The Earth isn’t flat; it’s a masterpiece hung in space by God Himself (Isaiah 40:22). Clinging to falsehoods warps the mind and blinds the heart. The solution? Point them back to Scripture, the ultimate source of truth.
3.) Redirect Em..The Conversation Even.. Towards Jesus And What Truly Matters Using Fitting Passages From The Bible. The Gospel and spreading it God's way. Ask them to repent and believe in Jesus. I recommend Him. If they are older, then you gently, respectfully, reprove them.
Paul urged Titus to “avoid foolish disputes… for they are unprofitable and useless” (Titus 3:9). Winning an argument only to lose a friend isn’t the goal— acceptable worship and winning souls Are our top aims.
Ask: Do you believe Jesus is Lord?.. or is that just some churchy religious jargon. There's power in the name of Jesus, so don't shy away from speaking about Jesus and his bloodshed on the cross at Calvary. Let's talk about the natalie resurrection of Christ and the eyewitnesses that saw Him.
That’s the real issue. Redirect the conversation towards God and faith In his written word.. evangelistically towards biblical salvation, and eternity with Him. What we believe about Christ matters far more than any conspiracy theory. There's a heaven to gain by faith and hell to avoid through submission to Jesus as Lord.
God calls all of us to himself and to Reality.
Jesus didn’t come to fuel lame debates for the sake of mere debating or divisive contention; He came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). If they're not open to hear your testimony or the truth, then move on to someone who is.
If someone is drowning in lies In the sea of man-made weirdness or deception, don’t argue—rescue them. Some prideful individuals are red light types, closed-minded to truth because they really don't want to know the truth. Perhaps they want to prove that they are smarter than others? Perhaps they are bipolar or mentally ill. Show them the truth, lead them to Christ, and remind them: only God’s Word is a firm foundation. Everything else is sinking sand.
Jesus in Matthew 10:14 said, “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet”.
He clearly instructed his disciples to leave people that are not open to the truth of the Gospel. To move on from a place that doesn't welcome him or them and welcome their 100% true message of salvation. Yes, to shake the dust off their feet as they go towards those of another town or city. Just leave there no matter what you feel like inside, No matter how much you love those people because we've got to love God more than anything and everything. Sure you can pray for them and we should. We don't want to see anyone get judged for all eternity.
Heading to the lake with asbestos water skis is really no vacation. Won't be for any.
The disciples were to get the town's dust off their feet, and you.remember how Jesus voiced, “It will be more bearable on that day for Sodom than for that town” (Luke 10:12).
We are to learn to hate sin and love righteousness as much as Christ does. We are to have contempt for all lies and things that distract us away from God and His will. We are to break ties with cultists who deny essential Christian doctrines. We Are to brake ties with that place and those people who hold the palms of their hand up in your face not wanting to hear Christ's Bible message.
God in Isaiah 1:18, says "Come now, let us reason together, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow"
This means that even if your personal sins are as noticeable and deep as the color scarlet ..or are not even noticeable by man at all, God sees and He can make them you pure and clean as the beautiful driven snow.. if you simply come to him willing to repent humbly asking for his forgiveness. That is more a divine command rather than a mere invitation to dialogue. Jesus commanded them to repent and believe. His disciples did as well. I still love altar calls where there's a command for people to come to Christ on his Bible terms.
* Scarlett - the severity and stain of sin is bold, so we need to be bolder.
* Snow - it represents God's purity and cleanliness inside.
God describes the sin of Judah In the Old Testament as being “as scarlet” and “red like crimson” in Isaiah 1:18 (KJV).
Scarlet color is distinctive. It often represented wealth and royalty (cf. See Jeremiah 4:30; Matthew 27:28), but in the context of Isaiah 1:18, scarlet and crimson represent real inner contamination, a deep stain of sin that will always be unacceptable to a holy God.
To achieve a scarlet-colored fabric, a fabric or material would be long soaked in a scarlet dye. This staining process illustrates how deep it runs.. the sin had permeated the fabric of society; the sins of God’s people were “as scarlet.” The stain of sin had infused deep in their very hearts. That's why we each are to call out..or cry out to God.
* The Stain of Sin and the Power of Christ’s Blood
Sin leaves a mark that God can see—deep, unyielding, impossible to scrub away by human effort. Scripture often depicts sin as a stain, something that defiles the soul (Jeremiah 2:22; 1 Timothy 6:14). In contrast, righteousness is pictured as pure white, unblemished before God.
In Revelation 7, a great multitude stands before the throne of God, clothed in white robes. The angel explains their purity: *“These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb”* (Revelation 7:14). It is only the blood of Jesus Christ—the spotless Lamb of God—that cleanses the stain of sin and makes us righteous (John 1:29).
From birth, we are stained and sinful (Romans 5:12; Ephesians 2:1–3). No amount of good works (None of us can earn God's favor or grace or free salvation gift), self-discipline, or moral effort can erase the crimson guilt of sin. So what can wash it away? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Isaiah 1:18 delivers the breathtaking promise of God’s grace:
“Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”
Sin’s stain is real, but Christ’s blood is stronger. His sacrifice doesn’t just cover sin—it removes it entirely. Through faith in Him, we are made new, clothed in His righteousness, and presented spotless before the Father.
This is the gospel: Jesus does what we cannot do - save people. He takes our filth, our failures, our guilt And brokenness—then He washes us clean.
Q: What does it mean to remove toxic, divisive people or families who love their sin and won't let go of it.. from a church community?
I do my best to work with saved sinners and lost sinners as long as I can. I want to win people to Jesus today, but if they are not open to truth like found in God's Bible at all, or they call themselves a Christian yet deny the Essentials.. I break fellowship with them.
Shaking the dust from your feet as you walk on can be a symbolic judgment against a town that's chosen to remain pagan and unclean.
Show that the good labor of reaching out to those of this city or town was fruitless.
It can be a witness "for the day of judgment against their unbelief and wickedness".
Believer, you and I are only responsible to live that godly life by the power of the spirit.. the Scriptures teach us to live and to share the gospel in love with those who are willing to hear it. Beyond that, they aren't our problem. They are their own problem. Changing their minds, changing them, and or saving them is not our responsibility. It never has been.
Whether you are a layman worker or a full-time career Christian minister, you and I are only responsible for sharing the gospel.. for our own obedience to God's living Word. We of course are not responsible for the results that might come from our own obedience. We share in love tactfully and leave the results up to God. (Read some more on this topic..)
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