Wednesday, October 23, 2024

It's Grasping An Understanding of God's Heart and Message (From the Implicational Essence of Scripture) That Transforms Us! It's The Wise Application of His Word That Makes the Difference and Impact in This World!

You've got this, with His help.

Can anyone overemphasize this topic? I don't think so.

Please grasp that wise application of Scripture is not really a mechanical process, but a divine one that is rooted in the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible itself speaks to this, as Paul teaches in Philippians 4:9, “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”

Applying the Bible is not merely an intellectual exercise; it’s an act of living faith. It requires a love and relationship with the Lord, spiritual discernment, humility, and above all, a moment-by-moment reliance upon God’s Spirit to move beyond mere knowledge into life-altering obedience.. behavior with the right attitude and speech that pleases Him.

The Bible isn’t merely a great book of ancient words, though it's the greatest of all books. It is God’s Word that is way sharper than any two-edged sword.

It's meant to effectively pierce the heart and totally transform the mind!

"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 esv

But how do we, as believers, allow the Word of God to guide us in our daily lives? The answer lies in recognizing that application belongs to the Spirit. We may teach, explain, and give examples, but it is the Holy Spirit who takes the truth and weaves it into the fabric of our souls, empowering us to live out God’s commands.

Christian believer, wise Application after studying your Bible belongs to the Spirit of God.

I'm very much so interested in the explanation and its subsequent implications for me (first cuz I want to live it as a good example) and then for you.

The power comes in the Bible-implication. The Holy Spirit of God takes the implications of what Kurt is teaching from the Bible (this regularly is my prayer..) and He has used them in some lives.. grateful for that. Glory to Christ!

I really don't need to give out too many little scenarios with lots of individual circumstances.. though we all like stories at there are some fitting stories.

I want to present to the hearers: This is what the Word of God says here, and the implications are powerfully brought to bear with His authority over our lives. Yes, from His Book (the Bible). And I exhort you (want to keep on exhorting believers) to respond to those implications.

It is the Spirit’s work to drive those implications into direct and personal application for each of us believers.

I do tell some stories with practical scenarios (I'm aiming to illustrate) about how this all (the teaching) fleshes out in everybody’s work-a-day-world where they live.. where the rubber meets the road so to speak. 

Some Bible ministers use the so-called shotgun rifle shot approach (not downing this here). And that shotgun approach sprays everybody within earshot (with Bible truths, sometimes for seedplanting) with the implicational essence of Scripture. That's the power, and that's when people leave a meeting saying something like: “Yikes! Wowza Lord, that truth nailed me with holy fear and awe. The insight from the Holy Spirit hit me in such a good way!”

So what's my aim in teaching, I want you to understand what the Bible means here. And in the meaning, expanded beyond the given text (not adding to the Bible text, not wanting to presumptuously apply beyond its wise application..), but with other Christian texts that agree.. we read on so that we each build up all the theological implications needed. I seek to leave you with the implications and strong exhortation to be obedient to Jesus 24/7/365.. and then I'll leave the wise application of truth up to you with the Holy Spirit. 

My wish, prayer, and aim is to ask.. and expect God to expose the heart of the text (His heart). Yes, to draw out the eternal truth, and let it speak to you.. to us with authority over our lives.

That's what Expository preaching is to be about—where the Scripture text is explained and its implications are laid bare. This would provide a model for how we can engage with the Word. The passage is the message, and our job is to listen to the Spirit, to fully understand the text, and then to respond with wise application (a.k.a. obedience).

Paul’s exhortation for us is to...

“Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching." 2 Timothy 4:2 esv

It speaks loudly not only to pastors or teachers, but to every one of us believers. That word "preach" simply means to proclaim, to clearly make known the truth of God’s Word to those willing to hear. We do this not only in formal settings but in the conversations of everyday street life—in the cubicle at work, in the kitchen, at the gym, or over coffee with a friend.

The power of the Bible comes from God Himself.

It does NOT come from piling up personal anecdotal examples or offering people clever stories from my life (people hear my same ole stories enough).. though I do during each teaching want to explain what we are reading. Rather, it comes from the direct, unfiltered truth of God's Living Word itself ..and we give Him all the glory!

The Holy Spirit works through that truth to convict, to reprove, to guide, to correct, to comfort, and to encourage each one of us, often in ways that are unique to our individual personalities and unique circumstances.

My role, your role as a soul-winner, is to faithfully walk in the Word and to communicate His truth, trusting that God will bring the necessary implications to life in the hearts of other people. He alone saves, He sanctifies, He uses, and He will glorify the saint.

This is not to say that life applications like from my past and practical examples are useless—they often serve to help us grasp how Scripture intersects with our everyday world. But always remember: at its core, the power of the Word is in the Living Word itself, not in our antidotal illustrations.

As 1 Corinthians 2:12 reminds us, "Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God." 1 Corinthians 2:12 esv

To truly put God’s Word into practice, we must be ready to in our human spirit and mind, as Paul teaches, whether it is convenient or not, in season or not. This may mean sharing the gospel when it feels kind of awkward to confront sin with God's love and patience, or even when it is uncomfortable to do so. But it always means being faithful to the Lord.. to the truth of Scripture and knowing that God’s Word has the power to change hearts, including our own.

We need the Spirit's power today more than ever. We want to see God at work in the lives of our loved ones. The Greek word dunamis describes the power that literally multiplies itself. This word sounds similar to dynamite huh, but it's not destructive.

Dunamis is often used to refer to a miraculous power that comes directly from God that enables people to go live the Christian life. It is the transformative power that works within people to bring about the change needed.
Regularly study about the dunamis power of God in the Bible:

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8 esv

The Greek word dunamis is used to describe the power that believers will receive when the Holy Spirit comes upon them. Ask. God delights to give free re-fills.

Remember Paul's miraculous escape from that snakebite.. that normally kills people? See
Acts 28:6, Paul was literally bitten by a real snake that was venomous while serving and helping shipwrecked sailors gather wood. What did he do? Paul shook the snake off into the fire and he was unharmed, which led the local people to believe he was a god. The snake was harmed not Paul.

Everywhere Paul went he was sharing the gospel and equipping saints with God's word.

Remember Paul's time of healing of Publius's father. God did the healing part.
In Acts 28:8,

In Acts 28:8, Paul prayed for Publius's father, who was suffering from a fever and dysentery (which is also called "bloody flux"), and through Paul's faith and simple prayer, God healed the man when Paul laid hands on him. The event took place on the island of Malta, where Paul and his companions had shipwrecked. God allows bad things to happen to decent righteous people and then God brings good out of it. It's His way (See Romans 8:28-29).

After this, others on the island who were sick came to Paul for healing. So many needy, lost and diseased people here on this earth -- people everywhere need Jesus!

But where God leads, and where we go with him let's never bend the Scriptures to fit our own ideas, or with human bias say what we want it to say. Cultists do that.

The preacher and the teacher (paid staff or a volunteer tent-maker layman)—any believer—must be subject to the text of the Bible, and not the other way around. Our task is to clarify the Bible message, not to manipulate with it to serve our own ends or agendas.

The authority of the Bible rests not in our cleverness but in its inherent truthfulness. It is this truth that we must boldly present with integrity, compassion and humility.

Ultimately, the call to apply Scripture is a call to Christian obedience.

Again, it’s not enough to merely hear the Word; we must pray the word and live it out, letting it shape our character, attitude and actions.

"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." James 1:22 esv

When we wisely apply the Bible in an acceptable way, God Himself promises to be with us, as Paul assures us in Philippians. And as we continue to learn of Jesus.. to live in obedience to the Father, others around us will be blessed, and God will be glorified. Sinners will be saved by Him and they will be added to our numbers.. hopefully in healthy Bible teaching churches.

As we go about our lives here in Dallas or wherever, whether in casual conversations or more formal settings, we each are called to be full-time ministers.. soul-winners.. we each are called to proclaim God’s truth without any spiritual compromise.

It requires praying, living it (being a decent righteous witness), telling, and going to fetch people so to speak.. bringing them with you in your own car to the place where they can grow. We each need daily Bible intake, daily prayer, and real fellowship with growing believers. Then who can stop us from verbally witnessing!?

It doesn’t always require formal Seminary training (though God could guide you into that), or a sermon or some elaborate speech. Sometimes, it’s a listening ear, a very simple prayer, a simple word of encouragement, a reminder of God’s STRONG love, or a gentle correction. Whether we share God’s Word over the dinner table or through a text message, we can trust that the Holy Spirit will use it to accomplish His purposes -- it ain't in vain.

This Bible promises this, "So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me void (useless, without result), Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11 esv

Step 1: What's the concept or command being communicated--what exactly is God saying to the original hearers here. Contextualize the verse within its passage: Read the verses immediately surrounding the target verse to understand the flow of thought and the author's intended meaning within that specific section.

Identify the key ideas, questions, or situations being discussed in the passage to the original hearers.

Step 2: Contextualize the passage within the book and in its original context -- see its neighborhood of verses: Consider the overall theme and narrative of the book where the passage is found.

Research the historical and cultural background of the time period when the Bible was written, including customs, social structures, and political situations.

Step 3: Look at keywords and phrases, based on the original language and culture. Are there other passages in the Bible that go along with this?:  Analyze the specific words and phrases used in the passage, paying attention to their original Hebrew or Greek meanings and how they might be interpreted differently in modern contexts.

Consider the imagery and symbolism employed in the passage.

Step 4: Apply the passage to your life and community: Reflect on how the principles and teachings conveyed in the passage can be applied to your personal life and the challenges you face in your community.

Consider how you will.. by God's enabling.. live out the message of these verses in a relevant, sound and meaningful way within your own current context.

Key points to remember:
Pray earnestly, but don't isolate verses. Let the whole Bible help you grasp:

Always interpret a verse within the context of the surrounding passage and the broader Bible narrative.

Consider the original audience:
Understand who the original audience was and how the passage would have been understood by them.

Be mindful of cultural differences:
Recognize that cultural norms and interpretations can differ between the biblical world and our modern context.

Seek guidance from God first, then from godly wise counselors:
Consult commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and trusted scholars to gain deeper insights into the text.

In conclusion, wise application of the Bible requires more than just knowledge; it calls upon us to have an honest softened heart that's fully surrendered to the leading of the Spirit (who is titled HOLY), an ear attuned to God’s still small voice, and a life 100% committed to living out His Bible truth.

Lord, help us abide in You daily, and not strive in the flesh like some lost religious fool. Give us illumination today, refill us with your Spirit. Yes, empower us to not only understand Your Scripture passages but to let the transformative power of the Word shape every aspect of our thinking and lives.. for our good and for Your glory. In Jesus' Name we pray!

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In The Eternal State, God the Father, the Spirit and the Lamb will be there -- that's heaven. Our biblical worship of Lord will be such a blessing and it's already wonderful here as well.

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